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Remember me

Created on 20 December 2022. Posted in December

... we deserved that (Romans 5:8), but He was hopeful that we will remember this act of Love and make a change in our lives. Perhaps, this is not the first time you have heard the message of the sacrifice ...

The pain of bearing sin

Created on 22 November 2022. Posted in November

... it. This attitude of Jesus is very rare among us who profess to follow Him. A friend sent me a message that reads thus: “There are two people in the world. Those who say, ‘Thy will be done, Lord’ and those ...

The principle of purity- Part 1

Created on 19 November 2022. Posted in November

... the child of God and the world is given to the Savior. The One Who called us through His Word and redeemed us is praised. Our life and lips proclaim the message, “Come and see” (John 1:39, 46). Again, ...

Sustaining grace for difficult times

Created on 05 November 2022. Posted in November

... could give birth to, agony and hate. But any time I feel annoyed, there is this still voice that whispers this message; “For you have not suffered to the point of shedding blood for the trials that you ...

Problems of life

Created on 05 October 2022. Posted in November

... good (Ref. 1). God uses stress and challenges to get our attention (Ref. 1). God created our bodies. He designed them to send us messages. “Pain is God’s megaphone.” Some of us are hearing God and moving ...

Can I be Trusted?

Created on 06 August 2022. Posted in August

... possessions God has given us. As someone living in North America, I am bombarded with messages about how I should use my money to please myself. We are told daily to look after ourselves first and to buy ...

You are not a quitter!

Created on 06 July 2022. Posted in July

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (NIV) Mark 10:9 A man who wants to save his seven-year-old marriage from dissolving because his wife wants a divorce, went to his father ...

When God speaks (Part II)

Created on 09 February 2022. Posted in February

... accepted a message from ‘an angel of the Lord’ instead of holding fast to the flawless word he received from the Lord Himself. Many people in our time are bent on clinging to the words of ‘prophets’, ‘angels’ ...

Are you prepared for the answer?

Created on 11 January 2022. Posted in January

... to pose this question to you; “Are you prepared for the answer to your prayers?” This story might be a little out of the way but I would like to share that to bring home the message. In a conversation ...

Problems of life

Created on 11 November 2021. Posted in November

... good (Ref. 1). God uses stress and challenges to get our attention (Ref. 1). God created our bodies. He designed them to send us messages. “Pain is God’s megaphone.” Some of us are hearing God and moving ...

Faith: Share yours through His Word

Created on 04 August 2021. Posted in August

... must WEAR THE GOODNEWS AS SHOES, always ready to tell others of Him. Colossians 3:16 says “let the message about Christ in all its richness fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom ...

The principle of purity- Part 1

Created on 20 June 2021. Posted in June

... the child of God and the world is given to the Savior. The One Who called us through His Word and redeemed us is praised. Our life and lips proclaim the message, “Come and see” (John 1:39, 46). Again, ...

According to your faith, let it be done unto you

Created on 24 May 2021. Posted in May

... So, Christ told him to go and that according to his belief, so it be done unto him. The pivot of this devotional message lies in what Christ told the centurion “as thou believed, so it be done unto ...

10 years of waiting!

Created on 07 May 2021. Posted in May

... devotional message is based on a true story shared by a Christian couple during the baby shower of their first child. As the title suggests, this couple had been together for close to 10 years without ...

My debt of Love

Created on 21 April 2021. Posted in April

... and mind is the golden message to us today. May this message remind all of us who have forgotten the extent of God’s love simply because we are in distress or may feel God has disappointed us! Heaven ...

Sustaining grace for difficult times

Created on 20 April 2021. Posted in April

... could give birth to; agony and hate. But any time I feel annoyed, there is this still voice that whispers this message; “For you have not suffered to the point of shedding blood for the trials that you ...

You can never go wrong with kindness

Created on 17 April 2021. Posted in April

... about the theme for this message. In Hebrews 11, God says through kindness, some entertained angels without knowing! Please find the time and read the whole chapter of Genesis 18. Kindness! kindness! kindness! ...

In His own time

Created on 28 March 2021. Posted in March

... is just normal that as humans, they would like to return to their homeland, Jerusalem, as soon as possible. But then, the message from the Lord said something else. It said they should build houses and ...

The Great Provider

Created on 07 February 2021. Posted in February

... The most assuring message from God is that he provides for us according to his riches more than what we imagine to have. “My God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ ...

Living a day at a time

Created on 03 January 2021. Posted in January

... me the strength to do every day What I have to do Yesterday’s gone, Sweet Jesus And tomorrow may never be mine Lord help me today Show me the way One day at a time   A message of hope || ...
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