

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore get rid of all moral filth and evil that is so prevalent, and humbly accept the word of planted in you, which can save you."(NIV) James 1: 19-21

Anger control is very important to us as Christians. We must also not forget that Forgiveness is also the reason for our existence as Christians. Our God is a consuming fire and we can trust him in everything more so in our ANGER.

The word from James is enough to close the chapter on ANGER control measures. He simplifies everything by saying if we want to control the anger that we feel towards those who hurt us, we must exercise patience (slow to become angry).

This is simply because our ANGER does not bring God’s righteousness. Even our maker is slow to Anger, how much more we the creation. We have to learn from God in Patience. It is only when we exercise some patience when people get on our nerve that we can bring God’s righteousness to bare in our lives.

Our words in normal day conversations are not already pure, how much more the ones that will come out of our mouth when we are angry? We ought to get rid of all moral filth in our mouth and we can do so when we depend on God to help us in our anger.

We can always pray to God when the words come to us. Let not say any evil word when we are angry but be Patient. Let God set guards over our mouth as we exercise some patience even when we are boiling up inside with RAGE.

Our anger control measure is in God’s word, lets confide in Him in patience before we act.

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