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No "Goodbye

Created on 22 December 2024. Posted in December

... daily relationships. And where parting ensues, there would one also utter this special relational word. Goodbye may come in one of three forms- in joy, sorrowfully or in uncertainty. However, the inner ...

True forgiveness

Created on 17 November 2024. Posted in November

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (NIV) Colossians 3:13 Old Joe was dying. For years he had been at odds ...

Forgiveness ensures survival

Created on 04 November 2024. Posted in November

... the story above, the father wholeheartedly forgave his son so as to save his life. Today, many marriages, homes, families, friendships, and other good relationships are broken or dead just because the ...

Giving it all to God

Created on 21 October 2024. Posted in October

... “take care of my finances, academic pursuit or career but leave my relationships or my eating disorder to me. I got that God! No problem!” But the real deal is God wants it all, everything about you, even ...

The storms will surely pass away

Created on 04 October 2024. Posted in October

... in our jobs, relationships, marital homes, and life in general. Whatever the situation may be, let us remember that before conditions get better for His children, God sometimes tests our faith in Him by ...

Difficulties abound in life, but take heart! (Part 2)

Created on 03 October 2024. Posted in October

... a matter of hours, he had lost virtually everything he possessed- from wealth to his health, then rejection, slander and the test on his relationships. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea of what was ...

Difficulties abound in life, but take heart! (Part 1)

Created on 02 October 2024. Posted in October

... sons and daughters, respect and fame, servants and employees, great wealth, friends, other precious relationships, etc. were not taken for granted. And in a temporary reminiscing posture, Job recounted ...

God's kind of Lov

Created on 27 September 2024. Posted in September

... is not the case, that doesn't alter or change what God's plan is. For those who have gone through the pain of divorce, broken relationships, you understand very well why God's plan is the best plan. I want ...

Looking for those Words/Song?

Created on 26 September 2024. Posted in September

... never been any wonder that humans get their inspiration of love from the love God has for us and his relationships with us. Are you the singing type or the speaking type or both when it comes to telling ...

It's not all about mone

Created on 19 August 2024. Posted in August

... relationships are ill-treated it comes at a high price and yet many people have placed their relationships at the bottom of their priority list. Those who adhere to principles of good relationships are ...

Success through hard work

Created on 09 August 2024. Posted in August

... put forth in your earthly pursuits may provide great results for the few years that you live, the hard work that you put forth in your relationships with Jesus will provide great results for eternity! ...

Talking it over

Created on 24 July 2024. Posted in July

... plain, and not holding back. The majority of conflict I see in marriages and other relationships is caused by a lack of communication. For some reason, many people are reluctant to have the "difficult conversation". ...

Marriage and its stakeholders

Created on 17 July 2024. Posted in July

... thick and thin. Above all, they have the responsibility of keeping each other in check with their relationships with their creator. One wins in an area and both are credited and vice versa. Again, they ...

The Cornerstone in my marriage

Created on 09 July 2024. Posted in July

... their marriage to previous relationships. In marriage, the only previous relationship we should keep is the personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who is the cornerstone of our marriages. Your marriage ...

Marriage is still God's idea (II

Created on 07 July 2024. Posted in July

... not a human or worldly concept. Mankind did not simply dream up marriage somewhere down the line as a convenient way of handling relationships and responsibilities between man and woman or dealing with ...

Marriage is still God's idea (I

Created on 06 July 2024. Posted in July

“The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." ... So, the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. ...

Commitment in marriage

Created on 05 July 2024. Posted in July

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." (NIV) Ephesians 5:31 Many marriages could either be seen as a palace of peace or ...

We can face tough times and win!

Created on 29 June 2024. Posted in June

... evil abound in this world and we seek refuge for our dear souls. So many entangling issues come our way and we wonder the way out as Christians. In our day-to-day relationships, we are faced with tough ...

A beautiful life

Created on 26 June 2024. Posted in June

... The Psalmist discusses three basic things that affect our lives –the things we say, the things we do and our relationships with other people. To enjoy this transient life on earth and the eternal one ...
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