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Talking it over

Created on 24 July 2024. Posted in July

... plain, and not holding back. The majority of conflict I see in marriages and other relationships is caused by a lack of communication. For some reason, many people are reluctant to have the "difficult conversation". ...

Marriage and its stakeholders

Created on 17 July 2024. Posted in July

... thick and thin. Above all, they have the responsibility of keeping each other in check with their relationships with their creator. One wins in an area and both are credited and vice versa. Again, they ...

The Cornerstone in my marriage

Created on 09 July 2024. Posted in July

... their marriage to previous relationships. In marriage, the only previous relationship we should keep is the personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who is the cornerstone of our marriages. Your marriage ...

Marriage is still God's idea (II

Created on 07 July 2024. Posted in July

... not a human or worldly concept. Mankind did not simply dream up marriage somewhere down the line as a convenient way of handling relationships and responsibilities between man and woman or dealing with ...

Marriage is still God's idea (I

Created on 06 July 2024. Posted in July

“The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." ... So, the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. ...

Commitment in marriage

Created on 05 July 2024. Posted in July

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." (NIV) Ephesians 5:31 Many marriages could either be seen as a palace of peace or ...

We can face tough times and win!

Created on 29 June 2024. Posted in June

... evil abound in this world and we seek refuge for our dear souls. So many entangling issues come our way and we wonder the way out as Christians. In our day-to-day relationships, we are faced with tough ...

A beautiful life

Created on 26 June 2024. Posted in June

... The Psalmist discusses three basic things that affect our lives –the things we say, the things we do and our relationships with other people. To enjoy this transient life on earth and the eternal one ...

Control Your Words

Created on 12 June 2024. Posted in June

... or anger. Although you could seek to restore bruised relationships through repentance and forgiveness, spoken words can never be retrieved. In the book of Ephesians 4:29, Scripture warns, “Let no corrupt ...

Made for so much more! - Part 1

Created on 20 April 2024. Posted in April

... some few minutes. Are you holding on to things God wants you to let go? These things may be habits, secret sins or relationships. I will encourage you to pray earnestly and allow God to prune you, for ...

And now about prayer!

Created on 06 March 2024. Posted in March

... marriages, relationships, education etc. and as such we forget to make time to pray. We are lacking the very principle that can unlock doors and possibilities and make us successful – regular prayer time. ...

The blessing of prayer

Created on 03 March 2024. Posted in March

... speaking with those we love to develop and grow the relationships we are in. It is the same way in our relationship with God. So what is the best way to pray to God? The answer is with our hearts. This ...

God in the changing world

Created on 18 February 2024. Posted in February

... witnessing changes in the standards of dressing, speech, and relationships (I Corinthians 6:18). In the midst of all this, we must still live Christian lives in a sinful changing world. We all face changing ...

Divine gaze

Created on 15 February 2024. Posted in February

... relationships, or wrestling with personal struggles, His gaze never wavers. He sees our tears, hears our prayers, and knows the deepest desires of our hearts. Consider the story of David, the shepherd ...

Deeper Love

Created on 14 February 2024. Posted in February

... love. Many people especially those who are married or in relationships expect their partners to show them material things as the symbols of their love. We get disappointed when no one offers any form of ...

Spiritual Investment

Created on 19 October 2023. Posted in October

... fence! You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience in the name of God. ...

In the secrets of hearts

Created on 16 October 2023. Posted in October

... through different angles – job, family, ministry works, relationships, national crisis, among others. This has caused uncertainties in the hearts of many Christians, resulting in shaky faiths. But Jesus ...

Giving it all to God

Created on 13 October 2023. Posted in October

... “take care of my finances, academic pursuit or career but leave my relationships or my eating disorder to me. I got that God! No problem!” But the real deal is God wants it all, everything about you, even ...

A beautiful life

Created on 29 August 2023. Posted in August

... The Psalmist discusses three basic things that affect our lives –the things we say, the things we do and our relationships with other people. To enjoy this transient life on earth and the eternal one ...
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