

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."(NIV) Proverbs 18: 21

Bible Reading: Proverbs 18: 21

The words that come out of our mouth can make and unmake us in our pursuit for happiness. In today’s world, so many challenges come our way but we try to find peace for our souls amidst these trials.

It is not easy to hold yourself from saying your piece of mind when you are hurting from some injustice done you. However, we are told by the wise King Solomon that we can create life and cause death with the words that proceeds out of our mouth.

Many a times what people say about us may not be constructive in helping us build a healthy Christian life. In return we are forced to stand up to them because that is what society deems right. Whenever we refuse to answer back during an argument, people regard us as weakling and coward.

In the course of a heated argument, we may say things that we don’t really mean. It is difficult to hold everything in when we are annoyed. We wish to explode so as to be free from all the pain in us. However, we are admonished through Proverbs that we must be careful because death and life can be found in the tongue. This is to say that whatever we use our tongue to say will come to pass and we will reap the fruit of it. Whatever we will become of tomorrow is as a result of our words today. Therefore, in our anger we must watch the words that come out from our mouth. They can destroy or bless us.

No one can ever say Good things when angry, so avoid any speech when annoyed.

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