


“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (NIV) Ephesians 6:10-11

How often do you carry around the story of Jesus temptation in your head? Keeping that story in our heads will give us a greater awareness of the ways Satan might be trying to tempt us. After a recent reading of the temptation of Jesus, two thoughts came to mind and would like to share with you.

Firstly, the fact that Jesus resolutely entered into a period of fasting (abstaining from food so his focus could be more directed on God) for forty days. Matthew 4 reveals that. Satan is always prowling around us seeking someone to devour especially in times when we make efforts and decisions to do things that draw us closer to God. If you relax in your faith why would he even try? The message is simple! Get serious about your faith and Satan gets serious about attacking you!!

Secondly, the Bible says in Luke 4:13 "When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.”

This verse always reminds me of the persistent nature of Satan. Isn’t that evident in the struggles you face in your lives? As long as we live as Christians, we will always be his prime targets. Satan wants Christians in his trophy case!! He’s the shark and we are his prey leaving a trail of blood behind!! The question is, will we resolutely decide to go toe to toe with him each time he comes in for the attack (like Jesus did)? When he gets close and is ready to attack with his mouth wide open will you have the will to hold that mouth open and shove some scripture down his throat? Jesus never let his guard down. He was aware of the ways Satan tried to get him to stumble and had a weapon stored up for him each time he came. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must be on the alert!! Keep those gloves up and keep those jabs flying! He may hit us a few times but don’t stay down, get up off the mat, go into your corner, repent, and get back in the ring with more fervour to do better next time!! When we allow Satan to win the battle in whatever struggle we face we feel powerless, guilty, weighed down, but when we learn to fight we feel like victors! With the Spirit of God working in us, knowledge of the word of God, and an awareness of who Satan is, we can defeat him each time he comes our way!!

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