

"He, who is faithful in a very little (thing), is faithful in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little (thing) is dishonest and unjust also in much." (NIV) Luke 16: 10

Sometimes we wonder why we don’t receive what we ask of God. This problem of unanswered prayers isn’t attributed only to our lack of faith in God, but also to our inability to be faithful to God in the little things that we have been given.

Some of us miss out on the blessings apportioned us by God, be it promotions at work, love and fulfillment in marriages, good jobs obedient and God fearing children, etc. This is because at a point in our life, we stopped being faithful to God.

We no longer committed our anxieties to God. We felt self-righteous and capable of managing our own affairs. As a result, God gave us to our own selfish ambitions. We thought we could do better for ourselves; instead, we were unable to be faithful to God in the little blessings that we have.

How do we therefore expect God to make us Lord over higher and greater spiritual and material blessings? God expects better from us. Even though we are unfaithful in the things that we have (our current situations), He remains forever true and faithful.

If we want to experience higher and greater blessings from God, then we are admonished to be FAITHFUL in the little given us and assuredly as the LORD lives, if we are found FAITHFUL in the small things, we will be given greater responsibility which comes with greater BLESSINGS.

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