

"Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (NIV) Ephesians 6: 23

Is it possible to be in the military and still meddle in civilian affairs? NO! The bible makes it clear that no one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer (2 Timothy 2:4). In the same manner, no one can say he has Christ and still be unfaithful to him; it is a lie which must be debunked. Remember the saying of Jesus Christ that, if you love me you will keep my commandments (John 14:15). If we say we are Christians, then we must live the name on earth since we are imitators of Him. Christ our master is a giver of faithfulness.

If we love him and he lives in us, we must never lack or be unfaithful. So whenever, we feel we are failing God, of which we are guilty of, we must appreciate the fact that God’s word (Christ) is not richly dwelling in us and seek his face.

We must allow God to shed his Love abroad in our hearts so we can be filled with faithfulness. Our works to God shows our faithfulness to him. Let us dedicate all that we have (our life) to him so he can give us his love to encourage us to remain faithful to him.


Christ in me the hope of glory

He has come to set the captives free

This power and love displayed for all to see

Is Christ in me the hope of glory --- The School of Worship

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