
Be faithful, for God is faithful

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda A..

"Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness"(NIV) Exodus 34:5-6

When we carefully examine our lives and begin to reflect on the goodness of God in our lives, we are faced with the inevitable truth of GOD’S FAITHFULNESS to us. He is a covenant keeping GOD.

The question however is, what are we doing to or have done to show appreciation for this goodness of God? We have been unfaithful to God in so many ways and in our shame we make excuses for our unfaithfulness and trying to hide from this truth.

We look at our personalities, jobs, family issues, kids etc. As a result, we forget to place value on the most important aspect of our relation with God: FAITHFULNESS.

It is our Christian duty and moral obligation to let God know how we feel on issues that pertain to our life here on earth. When we do this, we are encouraged to be faithful to God because we know that He understands us. We make excuses to avoid God holding us accountable, but the truth is WE WILL ANSWER ON THAT DAY.

Do we know that THE ALMIGHTY GOD is the busiest of all being to exist on this planet? Well if we don’t know, let’s look at it from this point of view. He owns the entire universe and manages the affairs of over 7 billion inhabitants including you and me. You can only imagine!

Yet God makes time for all of us. He is true to us all. Why are we not showing forth this nature? Why do we let his work on earth go undone and his people left uncared for? Why can’t we be faithful in learning of Him? Why are we not making time to be Christians after his heart? Always present at his feet and abounding in good deeds and FAITHFULNESS. Beloved brethren, YAHWEH is His name and He is a faithful God who demands that His children be filled with Faithfulness. Be faithful for God is faithful.

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