My debt of good works
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."(NLT) Ephesians 2:10
What can I give back to you for all you have done for me? To what do I owe this goodness, Lord? For all the blessings you have poured on us, what have we given back to you? These and much more are the questions we ask as believers seeking to please God. Sometimes these questions are borne out of some great things God has done which we think we do not merit. Other times, we are moved when God saves us from a tragic incident. As true as it may sound, a lot of us do not make the attempt to go back to God to ask these questions. The assurance and confidence to do this come from knowing that God loves us in all things and that He holds nothing against us.
The knowledge of His love and forgiveness propels us to love, forgive and liberate our souls from the burdens of the world. With this light state of the soul and peace of mind, we are touched to do something for God because we come to realize how much we owe Him! Then we are made to understand the depth of His kindness towards us.
The Bible says, “we have been created for good works (Ephesians 2:10)”. Our calling from the powers of darkness into God’s Kingdom is for a purpose. We were saved to serve and that is to be of help to others and to motivate others to love and do good works (Hebrews 1:24).
Together as Christians, we are on a journey to a place where selflessness is very important. The word of God shows how exemplifying our heavenly father has been by all standards in His acts of love and good works (John 3:16, 2 Timothy 3:17, Romans 5:8). It behooves us to show forth his good works to all.
2 Timothy 3:17 admonishes on how the word of God helps us to undertake acts of good works. From Genesis to Revelation, we have seen how God used people to show forth His strength. From the little to the mighty; in seemingly hopeless to hopeful situations, God used them all. The story can be said of Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Gideon, Ruth, Dorcas, Cornelius, Peter and so on.
Beloved brethren, heaven will be filled with great actors of good works. Will you be among the chosen? Have you identified your act of good works? Mine is to write them down for you as food for thought! What will you give and what have you given for His act of good works (Salvation) towards you?
May we be encouraged to heed to our calling in Christ and to impact a generation of leaders for the Lord’s vineyard; to make our calling sure! It is our sole debt of good works in Christ. And God’s word, His wisdom helps us to fulfill our purpose in Christ. Be blessed!