Do you want to be that salt?

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” (NIV) Matthew 5:13

Once I forgot to add salt to the soup I prepared and I was surprised that the soup was tasteless even though all the necessary ingredients were present. Salt, the inexpensive and smallest required ingredient of the soup managed to render the entire soup tasteless with its absence. Salt is a unique ingredient-if absent, poses a problem (tastelessness), if not enough also poses a problem (required taste not achieved) and if too much is added, also poses a problem (salty, not edible food). Salt is an ingredient that one needs just the right amount to make the food (soup) tasty.

It is, therefore, no coincidence that the Bible likens Christians to the SALT. We are supposed to provide “taste” to the earth wherever we find ourselves as Christians. The earth is “tasteless” without Christians just like the soup was tasteless without the salt. We are the important “ingredient” and must rise to our role on earth.

Our presence as followers of Christ must be felt wherever we go. Our actions and in-actions must speak of who we are. Do you bring peace where there is chaos? Are you that individual that everyone can proudly point to and say you are like Christ? Are you that individual whose presence will be sought in times of difficulties to bring that godly relieve?

We as Christians must let our SALT be so tasty before men, that they may taste our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. I thrive to be that SALT. Do you want to be that SALT too?

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