“Your name, O Lord, endures forever; your fame, O Lord, is known to every generation” (NLT) Psalm 135:13

Bible reading: Psalm 134, 135 & 136

The Holy Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and as Christians, we know that prayer is key to solving every situation. But the issue lies in what we do or say when we pray. How do we pray?

As the year gradually folds up, my question is how many of our requests were answered? Why were they answered? How long did it take to receive an answer? It is true without a DOUBT that God does everything as and when He pleases (Ecclesiastes 3:11). But certain factors also account to how fast some requests are answered.

I don’t know if you have had the opportunity to read one of our articles “Put a name on it”. It was one of the ways we could cause God to open heaven’s blessings in our lives because it tells God we remember His goodness in our lives. If you haven’t read it, please search for it on this website (www.dailyinspirer.org) and read about it. In addition, I want to share one other way that we might not probably have known to bring results.

Naturally, we can be ungrateful beings. We tend to see our challenges than our blessings. This obscures our view and we tend not to enjoy God’s blessings in its fullness. As such we need to find different ways to show God how grateful we are for His blessings and to cause Him to bless us more. We need to exalt His name above all other and to make it clear in our lives how important He is.

So the next time you pray to God, remember to give thanks and adoration for all the blessings in your life and then put across your request and God will come to you at the point of your need sooner than you expect. Make it a point to put to practice this strategy always and you will surely be singing God’s goodness all the days of your life.

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