I chanced on this song Broken by Lecrae ft. Kari Jobe: http://youtu.be/3Cr3tSWGHHc and thought of sharing that with you. You may like the melody but I would like you to pay particular attention to the lyrics of the song. Indeed, it tells how miserable we are even when we think we are whole (not broken). One way or the other everyone is troubled about something. There isn't anything like a perfect day or a week because time and chance happens to us all (Eccl. 9:11). The good news is that we have an impeccable doctor who can fix us when we are broken. When we visit him regularly in prayer he prescribes preventive 'drugs' for us or helps reduce the shock when we break down! Yes!! He is the only one who can keep you in perfect peace if you trust in Him. We are all broken in the mess we have made but God can restore us no matter our current condition!!

Are you stressed, brokenhearted or wounded? Do you find yourself worrying about your current situation because there seem to be no hope? Psalm 138:8 says the Lord will fulfill His purpose for you; His steadfast love endures forever. You only have to surrender all to Him in prayer and He will fulfill you at the right time!
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fulfilling God