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DItechs has not set their biography yet

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“He looked around at them all, and then said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He did so, and his hand was completely restored.” Luke 6:10 

I do not in any way doubt the power of God to heal today. However, my concern has been with the so called Healing and Miracles Workers today. A close examination of their operations and tactics only reveals some inconsistencies with Jesus’ healing ministry. In the above text, Jesus only said a word upon which the man acted. The healing was COMPLETE. In the healings today, you clearly see how the healer and the ‘healee’ struggle through a PROCESS into wholeness. At some instances, you clearly see traces of the illness –either they cannot well pronounce some ELIGIBLE words or they kind of limp for a while. My question today is, when those people proclaim healing, do the recipients receive COMPLETE healing?? Test all things and uphold to that which is good. (1Thess 5:21)

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