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Posted by on in Uncategorized



Thy will be done says all believers

Yet I wonder how many times we have held a face

when asking “is this will really thy will”?

I am guilty Lord and I ask that “thou will forgive me”


For I know thou will and thou wills also that we seek thy will in all

That which pleases you, for you inhabit the praise of your people

My praise ascends as an answer to thy will

Thank you for thy will in my life, for thy will is beautiful indeed in my life


As thou has willed the sun to mark the day and the moon to mark the night

So I humbly ask that if thou will:

Light the fire in me and manifest your presence

Fill me with your power


Remake me with your righteousness

And surprise me with your majesty


In Jesus name – AMEN



Hits: 6848

Posted by on in Uncategorized
My love story!!!

My love story 

Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you – Psalms 51:15


Look at me a wanderer in this world

Having no sense of Purpose, I went wherever the wind took me

I ate everything, the earth gave me

A man of no choice, I became a slave to this treacherous world

In my ignorance, miserable state and incapable of taking care of myself, a story of love was born for me

A love story that overrides all others.


A man of noble birth fell in love with me a wandering pauper girl of no social standing

Wealthy as he is, and for the sake of this love, he traded his riches with my poverty

Gave up his joy to take my sorrow

Replaced my saddened heart with his cheerful smile

A smile that lightens the burdens of others and penetrates the marrows of hardened souls

He created in me a clean heart and renewed a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).


And at last, as I look back, I see what your love has achieved in my life

Your promise of love was true and you have been faithful to me in everything;

I wondered how far I would have wandered without your love

Like an Olive tree, thriving in your presence, I acknowledge my needs lie in you

My joy and happiness is complete in you

My spiritual, physical, financial, educational and social prosperity has seen its foundation in you, my love.


And as long as thou give me breathe and for the sake of our love story

Unseal my lips, oh Lord (JESUS), that my mouth may praise you [(Always) Psalm 51:15]

For I depend on you!!!  AMEN.



Hits: 7062
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