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Be grateful if your job is a little harder than you like. A razor cannot be sharpened on a piece of velvet.

Be grateful for the doors of opportunity – and for friends who oil the hinges.

If you cannot be content with what you have received, be grateful for what you have escaped.

Be grateful for the children even when they are headache – they are still from the Lord.

Be grateful for the truth even when it stings, for it is the TRUTH that makes you free.



David was a man of gratitude and God recognized him to be a man after his OWN HEART.

Holiness is the heart of God as He says " Be Holy for I am Holy" -- 1 Peter 1:16.

God reigns on His Holy Throne ---- Psalm 47:8 and we cannot but be Holy ourselves.

A Holy heart from a Holy God is our request this day LORD, that we might be grateful in all we do. 

How much are we being grateful to the LORD for ? This  November is a month of Holiness, How do we measure up??  

What gift are we  offering to the LORD today?


And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free - John 8:32



(adapted from - The Voice of Truth International)








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