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Genesis 48: 1-20

20 .... "The people of Israel will use your names when giving a blessing... May God make you as prosperous as Ephraim and Manasseh"...



So when I read this message, I wondered what Jacob meant when he was blessing the children of Joseph. Already in verse 5, Jacob had said 5"Now I am claiming as my own sons these two boys of yours, Ephraim and Manasseh, who were born here in the land of Egypt before I arrived. They will be my sons, just as Reuben and Simeon are" 

What !!! sons!!! meaning Jacob should have 14 sons !!! Confused? Yeah I was, because in Genesis 49, Jacob blessed Joseph as his son (including the other 11). There was no mention of the two boys.  Okay, drop the case I thought as I just couldn't get the link. As I continued my Bible studies, I came across this in Numbers 3 : 6-7, 12, the Lord said to Moses, " 6 Call forward the tribe of Levi, and present them .... 7 they will serve Aaron and the whole community.... 12, .... I have chosen the Levites from among the Isrealites .... The Levites belong to me. 

Oh No!!!, meaning Jacob has 13 Sons now. Okay that's good. The whole of Numbers mentioned the two sons of Joseph as  tribes in Israel. Today as I complete my studies, I finally understood the puzzle.  God indeed had a plan for Israel - that is Jacob and his twelve sons.  He has promised to give the land of Canaan to his descendants (Genesis 48:3-4). God intended to keep that promise because He is a God who doesn't change his mind. 

Had Jacob known God will claim Levi and his descendants as His and sent Joseph to die in Egypt (Genesis 50:22-26), Jacob will surely have questioned God. I am sure he would have wondered how God was to make a multitude of nations, if he is already claiming some.

 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph knew God had a plan for his people. Israel as a nation was made out of twelve tribes, and not more or less. That was God's plan when he appeared to Jacob in his dream - Genesis 28:10-22. In his plans, the final tribe will include Ephraim and Manasseh for the promised land and not Joseph and Levi as tribes in Israel. As an all- knowing God, He made provisions ahead of Jacob for that.

Beloved brethren, we serve a living God who has lived through all times. And He is all powerful and all knowing. He has a course mapped out for each and everyone that He has called and who has accepted His call in return. Things may not be going as you have planned. Or better still, things are happening that baffles you and you feel, how is God going to achieve his promise in my life. Surely some may take years, months, days etc.

We have been called to HOLY LIFE in Christ. Don't ask "HOW am I going to be perfect and HOLY as God"? He is the one who has called us and He is faithful. All we have to do is submit our wills, actions and ways to him and He will surely produce in us fruits from His Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23. These fruits equip us to live a HOLY LIFE.




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