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"The Flowers, The Sunset, The Trees"

                                                              BY JIM REEVES


Each time I touch a rose petal
And breathe the sweet fragrance it brings
I know there's a God up in heaven
No human could create these things.

The dogwood, the oak and the willow
So gracefully wave in the breeze
The dogwood, I'll always remember
My Lord, died upon one of these.

The sunset in its golden splendor
Such colors no artist can do
I know when I look on its beauty
Each page in the Bible is true.

No picture or painting can capture
The beauty of any of these
The handwork of God is revealed in
The flowers, the sunset, the trees...


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We thank Thee each morning for a new born day

Where we may work the fields of new mown hay

We thank Thee for the sunshine and the air that we breathe

Oh Lord, we thank Thee


We thank Thee for the rivers that run all day

We thank Thee for the little birds that sing away

We thank Thee for the trees and the deep blue sea

Oh Lord, we thank Thee



Oh yes we thank Thee Lord for every flower that blooms,

Birds that sing, fish that swim and the light of the moon

We thank Thee everyday as we kneel and pray

That we were born with eyes to see these things

We thank Thee for the fields where the clovers grow

We thank Thee for the pastures where the cattle may roam

We thank Thee for thy love so pure and free

Oh Lord, we thank Thee.



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While the world looks upon me as I struggle along

They say I have nothing but they are so wrong

In my heart I’m rejoicing, how I wish they could see

Thank you Lord, for Your blessings on me



There’s a roof up above me

I’ve a good place to sleep

There’s food on my table

And shoes on my feet

You gave me Your love Lord

And a fine family

Thank You Lord, for Your blessings on me



I know I’m not wealthy and these cloths, they’re not new

And I don’t have much money but Lord I have You

And that’s all that matters though the world may not see

Thank You Lord, for Your blessings on me.





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1.      The chimes of time ring out the news, another day is through

Someone slipped and fell, was that someone you?

You may have longed for added strength your courage to renew

Do not be disheartened, I have news for you


It is no secret, what God can do

What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you

With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you

It is no secret, what God can do


2.      There is no night for in His light, you’ll never walk alone

You’ll always feel at home, wherever you may roam

There is no power can conquer you while God is on your side

Take Him at His promise, don’t run away and hide





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Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future”

One Sunday morning, during request time, one dedicated Christian man stood up at church to make a request. There was an ongoing investigation at his work place about a missing laptop containing the company’s high profile documents. And since he was the last person to leave the office where the laptop was, he was the prime suspect. His request was for God to help find the laptop.

As I sat there, I knew he was not capable of stealing because he is my friend and I know him well but for his name to be cleared, the laptop needs to be found. So I made it a priority to check up on him regularly to find out the progress of the investigations. Anytime I called, he was never depressed about what was happening to him. He was hopeful that God will redeem his name in the right time.

As investigations proceeded, the company asked him to proceed on leave with pay and emails were sent to the company’s clients that he no longer works for the company. It was not long when he announced in church that a colleague called him that the laptop has been found. We were all happy and thanked God because his name has been cleared now and can start work. We were wrong. The company does not want to work with him anymore and unwilling to pay his compensation. For a breadwinner for his nuclear and extended family, how was he going to cope? But he never lost hope and trust that God in the right time will take the troubles away and indeed, his trust for God showed in his demeanor and increased dedication to God’s work. I remember asking him once how he is coping and he told me, “I am very fine and in fact, now that I am not working, I have more time on my hands to do God’s work”.

He is now in court to compel the company to pay him his compensation. However, the last time I spoke to him again, he has a new job and then he told me, “I think this is a better job than the previous one. If all these have not happened, am not sure I will have landed myself this job and for the court issue, I know it is going to be a slow process but God saw me through the initial phase of this problem, He will not disappoint me now”.

God allows us to go through these things to make us better Christians than we were. All we need is to trust that He knows what is good for us and His ways are the best for us. I could not have been inspired more by the gentleman whose story I have put out today. All these happened to him early this year and his new job came in barely a month ago. Am sure he started the year so optimistic that things will go so smooth but this is what he got. The good thing is, relief has partly come to him and hoping and trusting for full relief. I do not know what you are going though at the moment but I pray to God to increase your trust in Him and to believe that His plans are best for you. Hold on to the hope that He knows what is best for you and keep praying and I believe that just as He came in for my friend, it will not be long when He brings you the relief you desperately need.

May the Lord bless us and increase out trust in Him always.   

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A group of former students visited their former university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints of pressure at work and stress. The professor offered his guests coffee. Returning from the kitchen, the professor brought a large pot of coffee and assortment of cups: plastic, glass, crystal, etc., some expensive some cheap. He told his guests to help themselves to coffee. When all former students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If u noticed, all the expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the cheap and plain ones. While it is only normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is only more expensive. What all of you really wanted was the coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups. And then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee. The jobs, money and positions in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life. The type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes by concentrating only on the cup we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee not the cup. Enjoy the coffee. The happiest people do not have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply, love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

Author: Unknown.

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