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Must we...?

Created on 14 November 2017. Posted in November

... and numbness towards immorality. It is meant to happen (2 Timothy 3:1-5). So we still ask the question “is it worth the disgrace?” Must we suffer “disgrace for the Name”? Why do we struggle when answers ...

It’s Serious

Created on 20 June 2017. Posted in June

... and shameful to mankind and society. Morality is based on God; he is recognised in all cultures. Times have really changed and now what was seen to be sin and unacceptable standards of life according to ...

If the foundations be destroyed

Created on 04 June 2017. Posted in June

... border on morality and doctrines with contempt may come to a sudden ruin (if there is no change of heart) because the ties with their Creator have severed (2 John 9). Similarly, those of us who claim to ...

If the foundations be destroyed

Created on 04 June 2017. Posted in September

... border on morality and doctrines with contempt may come to a sudden ruin (if there is no change of heart) because the ties with their Creator have severed (2 John 9). Similarly, those of us who claim to ...

God in the changing world

Created on 11 May 2017. Posted in May

... 12:28). The standards of morality keep changing. People are now their own gods and set their own standards. Now, morality is relative. But God’s moral requirements have not changed. But we are witnessing ...

Eyes on the prize not the price

Created on 08 April 2017. Posted in April

... the prize. What is the price that God has asked us to pay in our lives today? May be He wants you to part ways with the bad group of friends you have? May be He wants me to say goodbye to sexual immorality? ...

Love is hard work (Part 2)

Created on 08 March 2017. Posted in March

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (KJV) John 15:13 Love is indeed hard work. It is not merely an abstract noun but it is a verb, a doing word. No ...

Love is hard work (Part 1)

Created on 07 March 2017. Posted in March

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (KJV) John 15:13 Love is kind, love is patient, love is long suffering and it keeps no record of wrong. Perhaps ...

Changing times

Created on 02 November 2016. Posted in November

... fatal mistake to teach morality without the Moral Law Giver. He argued that Jesus Christ cannot save any man He cannot command. He implored his colleague to edit his manuscript and teach his audience that ...

Theirs crooked, what about ours?

Created on 19 October 2016. Posted in October

...  Consider this; A generation where many people seek the creatures more than the creator, A generation that immorality seems normal and modesty is defined as poverty, A generation that loves war ...
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