Higher education challenges our faith in God. How do we pursue higher education and also maintain a solid faith in God as Christians?
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, November 27 2014, 01:55 PM - #Permalink
    Higher education should rather encourage our faith in God. Though we may meet people with strange believes to test our faith, we still have a better chance of worshipping God through higher learning.
    Through higher learning we can appreciate creation, life and the future. After studying the way this world and yourself have been created in fine details and complexities, you should love God the more. The challenge come because we follow the agenda being set by the world (i.e. education is the key). Christians have also accepted this and would do everything to be there, even if it takes compromising our faith. The key for this world is Christianity and once you that, nothing can move you faith.
    Let us prove to the world that, education without God is useless and will never bring satisfaction in this life and the life to come. With God and then education, the world will like the Creator wanted it to be.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 13 2015, 08:51 PM - #Permalink
    It depends on your trust in God. Why do you choose your job? Is it to glorify God? Is it to be able to work for Him or is it for your own glory? Is it for money ? If you have such thoughts, have you prayed so that you will know God's plan for your life ?

    When you are able to answer this question, you will not consider higher education as a threat. It is wrong to think that only poor or uneducated people can have faith ( we have many examples in the Bible : Joseph is a good one). However, university is not for everyone. We are all different.

    As for me, education helps me to understand, to analyze my Bible in another way. Everything in this world leads to God. God wants us to use our mind and intelligence to worship Him.

    Also, science can be used to demonstrate that God is there ! ( how come we do not evolve anymore? how come we do not have the same blood as animals ? who create the elements to create the Big Bang? etc...)
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