You and I

Written by Worlanyo & Emelia D. Adzimah.

In life, we must reflect and extend a heart of forgiveness and love to all because we are bonded together in Christ. Please ponder on the poem below and recognize that we are but one people in Christ and share the similar characteristics.

You and I are a miracle, fearfully and wonderfully made

You and I are spiritual beings, a force to reckon with

You and I exhibit the truest love

You and I share in each other’s joy and sorrow

You and I have faith that is tested and proven

You and I live in His grace every day

You and I have a common understanding, though living miles apart

You and I are content

You and I are siblings as well as friends with the purest conscience.

The fact that we share common characteristics as people in Christ must rekindle our efforts to forgive our spouses, children, relatives, friends and everyone. I have realized that it is more difficult to forgive people we love the most when they hurt us. May God ease our storms and help us say, “I forgive you. I love you” to all those who wrong us, especially, those we hold dear.

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