Daniel’s Inspiration - Principles and Perseverance

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“The king talked with them, and he found none equal to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah; so they entered the king’s service. In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom” (NIV) Dan 1:19-20

In the previous devotional message, we found that Daniel had the purpose to worship God even in unfavourable situations. Well, he had principles and plans to support his purpose. For example, he offered a wonderful suggestion and an alternative to the King’s instructions concerning food and drinks (Dan. 1:12-13).

Beloved, success in life does not come by accident but by faith in God, planning and having principles. What are your principles in life this year and beyond? Don’t just have a purpose and principles, be disciplined to apply and stand by them and God will surely empower you to go by them if they are according to God’s word. Daniel refused to compromise regardless of the environment and the consequences. Daniel was persistent in his service and commitment to God and so can we.

Although Daniel had a lot of challenges as a young and energetic man in captivity, he never backed down on his standards. He was tempted to conform to the new environment to get physical freedom and pleasure. Christianity demands perseverance in faith and attitude. Satan, the enemy, will keep pushing many challenges, frustrations and temptations to derail you from your divine purpose. Daniel persevered, so can you. Persevere to succeed.

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