The Christian lineage

Written by Douglas Agyapong.

"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit. While every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful" (NIV) John 15:2

Many people feel the need to have someone to continue their biological line. And so they make sure they give birth by, hook or crook, before death; someone they can call their own; someone, because of whom their biological make-up may dwell forever on earth. We need to entertain this feeling as Christians. As we have been born again, there's the need to help give birth to another of our kind: another Christian, another to occupy the niche you do in the church. You need to father a spiritual child. This is the only way through which we received Christianity. And is still the way through which Christianity will reach posterity.

Mary was conceived of the Holy Spirit and the Lord Christ was borne in flesh (Matthew 1:18). Afterward, many Christians have been raised through the working of the Spirit; but not without the seed of the word sown by the Christians through evangelism. Let us ensure the continuity of our lineage. Let us evangelize!

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