The problem of pleasure – part 4

Written by Nana Kwame Owusu-Afriyie.

“Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure. I even found great pleasure in hard work, a reward for all my labours. But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all meaningless – like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere” (NLT) Ecclesiastes 2:9-11

Review: The problem of pleasure - part 1; The problem of pleasure - part 2; The problem of pleasure - part 3

Armed with these three godly principles on pleasure, I would wrap up with these four conclusions: two for day and the other two the following day.

Conclusion # 1: All pleasure must be bought at the price of pain.

The difference between true pleasure and false pleasure is this: For true pleasure you pay the price before you enjoy it. For false pleasure you pay the price after you enjoy it

Just think about this for a moment. Supposing a young pretty lady who comes from a not so well to do family, succumbs to the overtures of men who want to seek carnal knowledge of her. If she gives in to their demands, she will be showered with all kinds of material things. Momentarily, she will live in the fool’s paradise of happiness. But very soon, she will start paying the monstrous price for prostituting her body – venereal diseases, guilt, childlessness, and a host of others. The worst thing is if she doesn't repent, she perishes (1 Corinthians 6:9).

On the flip, if the lady decides to maintain her integrity and trust in the Lord, she will need to endure the hardship just for a moment and very soon she will enjoy the fruit of godliness (1 Timothy 4:8).

Conclusion # 2: “Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure” (G.K. Chesterton)

God can use pain to achieve His purpose in our lives. However, indulging in pleasurable living, without recourse to the standards of God can ruin it all. Nobody is as fed-up in life as someone who has exhausted pleasure. Some of the loneliest people in the world are some of the people who have over indulged in pleasure and have been emotionally and physically driven to the point of meaninglessness.

Pleasure for the mere sake of pleasure will leave you empty. It has to have a God-driven purpose than just mere enjoyment (1 Corinthians 10:31).

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