
God is able

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda A..

"So now you gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family. " (NIV) Ephesians 2: 19

It is so great to be a part of this year 2014. Last year presented its own package of challenges and successes. It should not come to us as a surprise as this year presents its packages. These packages are truly unknown to anyone except God the father. So the question will be how can we enjoy what 2014 has for us?

You and I cannot survive 2014 all by ourselves. We need God to see us through. We ought to be a part of God’s family in order to be favored. It is true God sends rains on both the wicked and the just, because he is a merciful and generous God (Matthew 5:45). But one thing is so sure; He will arise at the call of those who diligently seek him and not just to the ones who are deceiving themselves by constantly seeking after the pleasures of this world.

God is able to make all things work together for our good. So if it shall indeed be well with us in 2014, we need to be a part of God’s family. So God is able to curb all the pain and hurt that comes with each year and time in his children’s lives.

As Christians, we know that 2014 being here with us is another opportunity to give God our all because he is able to keep every promise he has made to us because we are his holy people. Beloved, no matter what this year has in stored for us, it should never discourage us. Instead , we must realize our faith will be tested and proven when we find every situation in 2014 an occasion to thank God because he is able to make a way out in all (1 Corinthians 10 : 13).

God’s loves for us is so deep that his desire is that we don’t miss out on 2014 blessings as well as the challenges that will make us strong in this world. Let’s be prepared and rest assured because God is able.

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