

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM sent me to you”. (NIV) Exodus 3: 14

The famous Steve Harvey in American comedy made a statement during an interview on Jesus channel: “I am who I am because God is who He is (Steve Harvey).

This statement made me appreciate God’s presence in my life. I totally agreed with Steve. I asked myself whether I could have made it without God. Beloved are we living God’s glory here on earth? This is a question we must all ask ourselves at a point in life.

Who are we and who has made it possible for us to be where we are? Who do we attribute all our greatness in life to? Is it by our own means and strength? Definitely not!!! We are who we are because God is who He said He is.

Beloved brethren, it doesn’t matter what might have gone wrong in your life or what is happening now that seems very discouraging. Everybody has a story to tell but what sets our story apart from others is because we allow ours to be defined by God.

Moses’ story is what it is because he allowed I AM to be a burning bush in his life. We too can allow God to work in us. We must pursue a story that sets us apart from the world. This can be done only when we acknowledge God’s presence in our lives and give Him total control.

Beloved God can change your story. He is the only one who can set your life apart because HE IS WHO HE SAID HE IS (I AM). Let us believe this truth and allow God to be the definition of our lives.

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