

By: Lizmat

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” (NIV) 1 John 1:8

Day in day out in our quest to please God we sin against Him. And each time we do that we are separated from the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This is because in our sinning we choose our own self-centred ways and our lives become empty and lonely. Most at times we are afraid of the unexpected and we easily give up.

Today God is saying that, every believer sins and breaks fellowship with the Holy Spirit at certain times. However, broken fellowship does not mean our sins haven’t been forgiven. Jesus paid for ALL our sins on the cross, once and for ALL (past, present, future).

Broken fellowship means we are not abiding in God’s Son (Christ) and as such we are refusing to experience His Power over our lives. We therefore need to repent of our sins, confess them and trust God again, who will restore the broken fellowship; that’s God’s way. When we ignore God’s way and instead follow our self-centred ways, the pressures of this deteriorating world will overcome us.

Life in Christ and by Him is easy and it brings so much peace in to our lives as we experience His power and purpose so as to have Hope in the future. Let’s just simply avoid broken fellowship with the Holy Spirit because He is our comforter in this wicked world.

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