
10 years of waiting!

Written by Daily Inspirer Team.

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (KJV) Isaiah 40:31

This devotional message is based on a true story shared by a Christian couple during the baby shower of their first child. As the title suggests, this couple had been together for close to 10 years without a child. They began the story by briefing the congregation on how they got married and their expectations for marriage. As the story unfolded, we began to get emotional and empathized with them. This is because they told us of how they had diligently devoted themselves to prayer for God to bless their marriage with children but there was no sign of God at work. They had resorted to all medical means from artificial insemination to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) but to no avail. After several attempts, the only encouragement the physicians could give them was to keep trying. One can imagine the pain and anguish the young couple had gone through especially for the wife who comes from a cultural background where women are stigmatized for not giving birth. “It was a frustrating period but we never let go each other”, they said sorrowfully. And then when they least expected, the Lord showed Himself strong. The wife became pregnant but she did not believe it initially. She tried several pregnancy test kits and waited for a while to convince herself before sharing the good news with her husband. On the appointed day, the Lord blessed them with a beautiful baby girl. They named the child “Ottofamhe” meaning God has shown mercy. That was the power of God at work in His own time.

Beloved, I guess this story reminds you of some bible stories such as Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 15, 18 and 21) and Elkanah and Hannah (1 Samuel 1). Abraham and Sarah waited for 25 years for a child God had promised. Hannah had to endure the ridicule of her rival for several years before the Lord opened her womb. Although I have read these Bible stories several times, they never had the same personal impact on me like the story of this Christian couple. I felt the Bible is being rewritten in a modern way through this couple to help strengthen my faith in God. Perhaps, you have been fervently calling upon the Lord to do something for you but nothing seems to happen. Perhaps, you have tried all possible means and even trusted ways but they failed only for you. Do not give up! His time and ways are perfect! Be encouraged by the story of this Christian couple; the Lord will show mercy at His own time. He has not forgotten you. 

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