
In the beginning

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.


"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (NIV) Genesis 1:1-2

One of the most beautiful narrations in the bible is the vivid description of how the world was created and made to take its unique shape and this has marveled man up to date. Many have refused to accept the narrations and have convinced themselves that the creation story is only a fiction and a mere myth while others have accepted it because no other person could explain how the world came to be. Do you accept that God created you and the world you live? If yes, is it as a result of the lack of other credible accounts?

In as much as several other accounts are presented, none matches the logical order presented by the bible. For instance, the ‘Big Bang’ theory suggests that this orderly world was created from a collision. In as much as orderliness cannot emanate from disorder, so this orderly world could not have come from a collision. Just as pieces of metals, rubber and plastic cannot just become a bicycle or a computer on its own this world needed an external influence (cause) to become orderly.

The Genesis accounts of creation accurately presents God (the self-existent first cause) bringing into effect all good things out of the formless, empty and dark world. As God spoke, light, shape and completeness characterized the earth. In His own wisdom, after creation of life-supporting plants, animals and other heavenly bodies, God made man to take care, subdue and multiply. The Hebrew writer therefore hints that just as every house has a builder, the builder of all things is God (Heb. 3:4). Therefore, those who accept these facts whole heartedly experience God’s light in their life which also comes with fulfillment and wholeness. Such people are able to take control of the resources around them and become fruitful.

I have come to realize that, knowing God and obeying Him has enormous benefits here on earth and the world after. How wonderful and peaceful will the world be if we follow His word? Have you imagined a world without war, hunger, hatred, and all forms of sinful and disgusting things? Have you imagined a world with love, so much peace and togetherness? These we could achieve if we all believed in God and obeyed His word.

Connecting to the giver of life will surely make our lives more meaningful and fulfilling. Let us begin and walk through this day believing that indeed God can bring orderliness and fulfillment in our lives if we let him in.

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