
Fresh start

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

"But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion " (NASB) Ecclesiastes 9:4

Many people, at the beginning of a year like this,  are enjoying the portions they received from the previous year. Others are also analyzing the events of the past times and strategizing for the times ahead. At the same time, some are lamenting over the sufferings and the opportunities they missed the past year. A section of the world, on the other hand, is confusing, not knowing what is happening to them or what to do.

It is great to look back into the previous year and analyze our shortcomings and make amends for them. It is, however, terribly wrong to keep crying over past events. This is because no matter how you cry, you cannot change history. Life is like a bicycle, for you to become stable, you must keep moving. How the year will treat you depends on God as well as how you treat yourself. If you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results.

No matter the past, the future can be different with God and a change in attitude. Begin the year with the end in mind. We all have been granted four amazing gifts to start the year with. That is time, talent, treasure and temple of God (Your body) i.e. 4T’s. All of us have been given the same hours to work every day, so stop complaining and use it well.

The Good Lord has endowed each of us with multiple talents to glorify Him and help the world. You are an ocean of wisdom, knowledge, and strength. Dig inside yourself and know who you are and what you have for the world. No matter how much debt is on you, you still have some assets or treasure. Use the treasure well to gain more for yourself and God.

Your body is the greatest asset. What are you doing with the body- which is the temple of God? You do not own yourself. So glorify God with the body (1 Cor. 6:19-20). What happened in the past year is history. Let us all have a fresh start to a new year with Christ on our side. Amen.

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