Be a Jonathan

Written by Akua Oforiwaa Doku.

"Now David said, “Is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?" (NIV) 2 Samuel 9:1

The story in 2 Samuel 9 is a thrilling one. Mephibosheth a lame man, the son of Jonathan, was remembered because of a kind gesture his father (Jonathan) showed David. Although Jonathan was dead, his lame son, Mephibosheth had a great fortune for his father’s sake (2 Samuel 9:7). Giving is the greatest investment one can make for a lifetime. We mostly feel giving is all about money but come to think of it, it goes beyond that. It includes and not limited to: our time, our possessions, advice, knowledge and protection. It was this giving Jonathan offered consistently to his best friend, David, and this act of giving did not go unnoticed and hence made it into the bible for our learning today.

We ought to be one another’s keeper. As Christians, we need to identify the needs of brethren to get possible solutions to help them. Jonathan protected David against his father, Saul, who wanted to kill David (1 Samuel 19: 1-6). Do you share in the evil ways of your loved ones or do you support them against those acts God abhors in Galatians 5:19? Do you find ways of saving others against the evil acts of your loved ones or act as Jonathan? He continually protected David, his good friend, against the evil plots of his father irrespective of the blood relation, and through this act of giving, his lame son, Mephibosheth had a future, hope and fortune. Remember! we are mere strangers and just passing through this world so the quality of life we build as required from every child of God, will lead us and be a treasure for the generations we leave behind just like Jonathan.

The Bible admonishes us to give and it shall be given unto us (Luke 6:38). This command is not only in relation to giving within the church premises when we meet to worship on the first day of every week, it extends beyond. Jonathan gave protection whenever there was a conspiracy against his friend. The act of giving does not specify when, where, or how, but children of the Lord must do it as a command. We are admonished not to be weary in doing good. Therefore, let us do our best to do good and help one another, build a legacy for our families and others. Let us not cleave to the world but rather adhere to words from the good book that inspire and direct our paths every day to be good stewards and our brother’s keeper (John 15:18,20).

Be encouraged!! Be inspired!!!

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