
Understanding our young ones

Written by Ruth Afua Agyeibea Arthur.

"He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit." (NKJV) Proverbs 17:27

God gives children to parents as gifts and makes them stewards of these priceless treasures. Parenting is a very lovely, interesting, yet daunting task.

Understanding our young ones is very vital to their growth. We are guided as parents to make the right decisions that bring out the best in our children.

As a mother, I am sometimes tempted to box the children in the very same generation or time I found myself. It is often so common to find parents expecting their children to have the same or similar experiences as they had in their days.

With time, I have come to realize that things have changed and it beholds us as parents to appreciate the era, and understand their generation in other to effectively nurture them. I remember how well I was able to do domestic chores at a very young age. Then, I was not loaded with so many subjects at school and homework as it is now. I had all the time to play with friends as much as I wanted and still learn.

My children's experiences are somewhat different. They learn more subjects and programs at school and are loaded with homework such that they sometimes don't even have time to play. Though they are always eager and willing to help with domestic chores, they have limited time on their hands.

There are also times we expect them to choose the same profession as us or ones we have carefully chosen for them.

We throw tantrums when this doesn't happen, and things do not go as planned.

As parents, we should learn to seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in raising our children. After all, we are caretakers hence the need to resort to the owner when we are faced with tough decisions. This can go a long way in removing roadblocks and setting the right pace for their development.

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