The Cornerstone in my marriage

Written by Christopher Opey Tetteh.

"For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”" (NIV) 1 Peter 2:6

Marriage involves the union or blending of two different lives with unique histories. Many marriages struggle when one or both spouses continue to dwell in the past and think about the freedoms they use to enjoy as singles or compare their marriage to previous relationships.

In marriage, the only previous relationship we should keep is the personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who is the cornerstone of our marriages. Your marriage would be crippled if your relationship with Jesus is nonexistent or weak.

When a couple invites Jesus Christ to be the cornerstone of their marriage, they set a strong foundation upon which they build their relationship. They are inviting Christ to walk before them and then He will lead them into the unique purpose He has for them as a married couple.

We are unique as individuals, and each marriage is uniquely made as well. Just as God created us as completely original individuals, so we need to invite Him to make our marriages completely original relationships. This can only happen when each person in the relationship yields his or her individuality to God's higher purpose.

C. S. Lewis said, "Self exists to be abdicated. In self-giving we touch a rhythm, not only of all creation but of all being, for the Eternal Word also gives Himself in sacrifice."

Marriage was designed to teach us about the love of Jesus Christ. The key to a good marriage is self-sacrifice.

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