The Christian Home

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (NIV) Isa. 5:20

God at the end of His creation observed that whatever he did was good including the creation of the home. Broken families, single parenting and increasing crime from broken homes are making marriage unattractive to some people. Humanity is losing the beauty of the great union God created in the Garden of Eden.

Marriage is a sacred lifelong union before God, between a man and a woman who have been rightly joined together with or without children (Gen. 2:23-24). When families put God as the head, that is the beginning of great family life. When we all accept God as the head of our homes, it’s easier and lovely for all to perform our roles to keep the family going.

When we put God aside in our homes, we will not understand the purpose of family, we will not know how to deal with our problems, and we will end up pushing each other away instead of drawing near. Let us make a Christian home full of peace, prayer and godly provisions for ourselves and outsiders.

Love, compassion, faithfulness and humility from all partners are key to keep the family and makes a home lovely. Frictions and challenges will always arise in the home but with the Spirit of God and commitment from all partners, those challenges can be overcome.

An intact and godly family will attract the attention of those who are struggling. Apart from the Church, the next place to see God is in the Christian home. Is the world seeing God in your family?

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