
Responsible parenting III

Written by J. Raymond Pecoraro.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (KJV) Proverbs 22:6

Continuation of Responsible parenting (II)

3. Parents must teach their children to handle domestic situation that sibling rivalry causes. As they grow, they need more fundamental and specialized training. The main objective is to teach them to function in society as upright, moral adults able to handle whatever life tosses at them. Otherwise they have no chance or at the very least very little chance of coping!

4. We must use careful terminology in our words to them. We shouldn’t tell them we are going to beat them half to death or bring them within an inch of their life. This serves only to replicate the same behavior with their children later on. Children can only do as they are taught. Solomon wrote, "Reproof gives wisdom.” (Prov. 29:15). Again, he wrote, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father. Notice the words used “reproof and instruction” in his writings.

Parents must also set the example for their children to follow. This includes coming with them to Bible class and worship services, not merely sending them. The church was instituted by our Lord to give instruction and to worship God and not as a baby-sitting service. There are Scripture after Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments that tells us how and what to teach children entrusted into our care!

Remember, parents how we train our children today will impact them and us tomorrow. Children didn’t ask to be born. They didn’t choose their parents to whom they were born either. But they are here and parents must take their training seriously because they will give an account in judgment! Parents stand between God and their children as far as instruction and training are concerned! May God bless our efforts and grant us the wisdom necessary to fulfill His wishes.

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