Identify your purpose

Written by Ruth Afua Agyeibea Arthur.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." (NIV) Colossians 3:23-24

A young lady got a job as a house help. Due to her diligence, her employer took interest in her. She carefully observed that the lady was fluent in the English language. After further interview, she discovered that she was a graduate and had taken to menial jobs to earn a living. Impressed, her employer shared her CV so she could secure a better job for her employee.

God puts us in certain places at particular times for a reason. Since He knows the end from the beginning, He sees beyond our limitations and carefully situates His children.

He rewards the works of our labour in diverse forms. Be it formal or informal work, we receive something as a token or a little more.

Jobs come with different conditions of service. Though we may sometimes not find ourselves doing our dream job, we can always find pleasure in whatever we do. It is only by identifying our purpose for that role that we can value and appreciate it.

Every job comes with its own challenges. Some may be trivial, others are unignorable. The temptation to see only the dark side of work while viewing the greener grass on the other side will always come. There are times the complaints swallow up the beauty of work. These are normal issues of life. There is also nothing wrong with desiring a better work; we all strive for advancement.

However, instead of sitting on the fence, rather find the purpose of your presence and work it out. Joy for the work will surely come at last.

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