
His Word, His Will

Written by Douglas Agyapong.

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (NIV) Psalm 119:11

It is relieving to have less to think of but to just follow after the voice of God. Every Christian should get to that level of maturity where they worry less and listen more.

One of the first steps to achieving this is to be saturated with God's word. When you know God's word, you get to understand His personality and His way of life. This enables you to decipher His will and that makes it easier to determine how He wants things done in every situation. Even in situations when you need to make trivial decisions that do not necessarily involve options of good and bad, knowledge of His person enables you to know what he would rather have you choose.

Let us read, meditate on, and soak in the Bible daily.

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