God’s Love

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him." (NIV) 1Jn 3:1.

Humanity in every generation tries to solve many of the challenges of life. Unfortunately, we always try to fix things based on our physical senses to our satisfaction. We have forsaken the love of God. We can achieve nothing if we do not return to God for instructions.

Most of the difficulties of this life can be linked to the lack of love for mankind. If we love God and fellow human beings, there will be no war among us. The cost of production of ammunition globally can feed all souls that are dying of hunger every day. If we love God and the people created by God, there will not be cheating and injustices that happen in our daily lives.

Love is an intense and purposeful feeling of deep affection in the mind for someone/something we cherish so much. Do we have such an attitude towards God? We dedicate our love more to the world than to God. Fortunately, God’s love has been present before the creation of the world and endures despite our misbehaviour (2Pet 3:9). God does not give up on us upon all that He does for us and we keep neglecting him. God loves the whole world as he did from creation (Jn 3:16). The love of God will continue eternally.

God’s love can be seen in the continuous sacrifice that he makes for man daily. God through Christ endured shame, humiliation, torture, and death for us. He is willing to save us all. Let all humanity respond to this love that cannot be measured in terms of its length, breadth, depth and height. Let us humble ourselves to listen, obey and live according to God’s commands as our appreciation for his love. Amen.

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