It will destroy you completely

Written by Philip Addo Bempong.

“But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips." (NIV). Colossians 3:8.

The Apostle Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit knowing the effect and the dangerous nature of anger condemns it. Anger affects not only the person who harbours it physically and spiritually but affects others as well. Let us look at some of the ill effects of anger as it is expressed in one form or another to be careful in dealing with it.

Results of anger expressed towards others include more wives being battered, children abused, and psychologically destroyed by violent outbursts of anger than anyone knows. Marriages, families, and interpersonal relationships are damaged so badly they cannot be mended.

Anger has probably started more wars, created more conflicts and ruined more countries than any other emotional disorder. There is no way to fully know how many children have been alienated by angry parents. Anger caused the first murder (Genesis 4:5-8) and has been causing thousands every year, even today. Most emotionally scarred persons are the victims of someone's anger.

There are numerous health disorders like peptic ulcers and others associated with the negative effects of anger. Anger can produce impotence in young men, make normal women frigid, and in short make the normal expressions of love impossible. Suppressed anger and bitterness can make a person emotionally upset until he is not himself. In this state, one often makes decisions that are harmful, wasteful, and embarrassing. When anger dominates, it squelches love.

An angry person is not a pleasant person to be around as they become ornery and cranky. With time, that person can be unbearable to be around seeing he failed to let God help him overcome anger in his life. Not only does anger bring on physical illnesses, but it increases the cost outlay, to try to treat the symptoms and not the cause.

When a bitter, rebellious Christian asks, why God has permitted all these sicknesses to come into my life, he needs to be reminded that God did not cause it, but sometimes yourself! Some believe that the rise in the use of mental health medications can be laid at the feet of either fear or anger, which are not properly dealt with within one's life.

The spiritual damages of anger should be even more important to the Christian. It can cause one to remain a spiritual infant, turn away from Christ, or remain in the church and often be the cause of much strife and dissension. A Christian can go so far into sin that he can lose the promise of eternal life with God, and as well, abundant life here.

How many of your relationships have been destroyed by anger? Has anger had such an impact on your personal and spiritual being? Since anger is part of our being and can't be taken off, we need to be cautious of its hurtful impact on us. Careful handling and management of it will ensure we avoid those bad impact.

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