We have forgiveness

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

"For my way of carrying a load is easy and my load is not heavy" (NLV) Matthew 11:30

God in his divine wisdom created all humans differently but we have many things in common. One thing common to us all is that we are all fallible and keep making mistakes in our spiritual and physical lives whether consciously or not. We are all flawed sinners before God (Rom 3:23).

Even though we all make mistakes, we all love to be forgiven whenever it happens. We feel relieved, stronger, and happier when we receive forgiveness from others. Unfortunately, we find it difficult to offer forgiveness whenever we are offended especially on repeated ones.

Great men of God in their walk with God fell many times and were forgiven multiple times whenever they rented. David, a man after God’s own heart was forgiven (Acts 13:22). Moses was forgiven and allowed to see the Promised Land (Numbers 27:12). Peter who denied Jesus was forgiven and empowered to preach the 1st Gospel Sermon Converted many souls (Acts 2). Prophet Elijah was forgiven, and he did not taste death and the Chariot of fire took him away (2 Kings 2:11).

The same forgiveness and empowerment from God are available if we confess our sins (1John 1:9). If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God who created us knows us deeper, sees more in us than sometimes we see in ourselves and have endowed Christians with his Holy Spirit that empowers everyone with the ability to forgive.

As disciples of Christ, we have received the greatest forgiveness that could happen, our sins washed away (Acts 2:38). Since we have received forgiveness, as disciples of Christ, we have been given the responsibility to forgive those who have harmed or hurt us in our life.

We obtain our peace of mind to worship God when we constantly forgive others. Our worship becomes acceptable when we settle our differences and forgive. Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift (Matt. 5:23-24).

Who has offended you deep that is so hurting you have difficulty forgiving? Humanity is fallible and we all deserve to be forgiven no matter how dirty our sins and errors are. Focus on God the Creator for love and strength to forgive and move on rather than the offender. Christ has forgiven us, do the same.

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