Easy weight loss

Written by Adelaide Mensah.

"For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy" (NLV) Matthew 11:30

On weekdays, after work, I get exhausted and my heavy bag is always the major cause of my tiredness. I seem to carry everything with me daily! On days that the church meets, I often dash home to empty my bag and keep only the essential items for church service. On one such occasion, while offloading the items unnecessary for service, it dawned on me how easy it was to shed off weights from the bag, in a matter of minutes! The same cannot be said for the numerous personal weight loss journeys- a story for another day.

Life’s burdens put lots of weight on our hearts and spirits that seem difficult to shed off. The burdens of fear, financial hardship, grief, illness, losses, anxiety about the future, sin, guilt, family crises are mostly beyond our realm of control and sometimes inevitable.

Naomi experienced the consuming burden of grief (Ruth 1:3-5), Thomas, the burden of doubt (John 20:24-290, and David, suffered the burden of guilt and anxiety (Psalm 32:3-4, Psalm 55:1-15).

In Matthew 11:28-30, the Lord appeals to us to bring all the weights to Him, not some of it, but all of it in exchange for His lighter weight and also to learn from Him. Our Lord knows that we will be exhausted from the burdens we carry, but His boundless love and compassion for us provides us with a means to cast it all unto Him (Psalm 55:22, 1 Peter 5:7). No burden is heavy for Him!

The Lord forgives, heals, and restores us. Why don’t you cast it all onto Him in earnest and sincere prayer? Casting our burdens onto Him is our easiest way to lose the weight of our burdens.

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