Commitment by challenge

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

"’Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us? "(NIV) Matthew 19:27

Humanity in the quest to achieve happiness and freedom from uncomfortable life situations has tried to use all physical means to achieve pleasure. Man will always pursue what it takes to attain happiness on earth. Mankind has been trying to bypass God to achieve our own desires.

God demands commitment from man to prove our loyalty to him because he created us for himself. Our greatest satisfaction can only come from a deep relationship with God. We are created to crave for our Creator, and anything less will not satisfy. Commitment demands wholesome and unconditional surrender of our whole being to the greatest King of the Universe, God. Commitment to God is more than verbal confession of our faith, it demands action. All the great people of God in history showed commitment to God by action. Abraham was one such example of people who demonstrated commitment to God.

Apostle Peter challenged Christ concerning what the Apostles benefits will be for committing themselves to him. The Apostles left everything to follow Christ. What are you willing to sacrifice to show your commitment to Christ? Can you challenge God on anything because you have committed something to him?

Don’t be deceived by the world that you can achieve your purpose in life by neglecting God or relegating him to the background. Commit your life to God in a special way than before and have the basis to challenge Christ for what you deserve. Challenge God today by your commitment.

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