In my desperation, I will sing His praise

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

Sing praise to the LORD enthroned in Zion. Proclaim among the nations what He has done. (NIV) Psalm 9:11

In my desperation, I will sing His praise. In my sad times, I will sing His praise. In my happy moments, I will sing His praise. In all situations, I will sing His praise for He has dealt bountifully with me (Psalm 13:6). I will praise my maker with all I have and with all I am.

The zeal to write this motivation came when my maternal grandmother was admitted at the hospital with congestive heart failure. As I watched her lie in her hospital bed in pain and out of breath, my eyes filled with tears and then I quietly started asking God to spare her life. As I was driving home from the hospital, it occurred to me that my life is filled with so much of asking of God and little of singing His praise. I then concluded that I will thank God for my grandmother’s life and for all the lives He has blessed around me. I will sing His praise for all He has blessed me with and without.

He that appreciates the little in his life, will be blessed with much more and the opposite is also true (The parable of the talents- Matthew 25:14-28). Life may look gloomy now, but find out that little thing you have been blessed with and sing God’s praise and be thankful. You will be amazed at how God will turn your thanksgiving to an unexpected miracle.

The next time you feel like asking, can you rather praise Him? Let us praise Him more than we ask of Him for He knows our needs and He will bless us with them. God bless us all.

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