
A Tender Heart

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“Now it happened, when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, that he tore his clothes” (NKJV) 2 Kings 22:11

Continuing from the previous devotion (Receptive Heart), we have come to the realization that God wants us to have tender and receptive hearts. What is your response when you discover you have been engaged in a wrong activity before God? Do you defend your stand or rather follow the path of King Josiah who wept and asked for forgiveness?

A receptive and tender heart should weep for the sins committed against God and be willing to change. We should also be concerned with the sins of others in the world. Josiah wept because of his people’s sins (2Kings 22:19). Jeremiah and Jesus wept for others (Jer. 9:1, John 11:35). We should be worried about the burden of the guilt of sin and be concerned about our souls and that of others.

Stony-hearted people do not love and care for others, but tender-hearted people have compassion and readily help others. God expects us to replace the selfish and hard heart with tenderness and be willing to help nurture the hearts of others (1John 3:16-18). Tender and receptive hearts forgive others for their wrongs. (Eph. 4:32, Col. 3:12-13). In addition, we must also extend our receptive and tender hearts to our enemies (Luke 6:35-36).

Arrogant hearts despise and mock God for His goodness and are not willing to surrender their will to God and repent (Rom. 2:3-6). Receptive and tender hearts are willing to surrender and obey a superior if they are exposed to the truth. A heart that repents is receptive and tender (Acts 8:22-23).

Maybe you are wondering how to even get a tender and receptive heart, it is God who gives tender hearts. To achieve this, you must first surrender to him (Jer. 24:7). We cannot be saved without a tender heart. We believe, obey and confess Christ from our receptive hearts. Those who obey the Gospel must have tender hearts (Acts 2:37-38).

Do you have a tender heart? The proof is in your response to the word of God. Will you learn of your sins, weep over your mistakes, repent of your ways, and obey the Lord in baptism? Be kind-hearted, please God and win souls for His Kingdom.

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