Spiritual Undernourishment

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “it is written: Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (NIV) Matthew 4:3-4

The modern world is full of the movement of goods and services from one point to the other. All mechanical means of movement are dependent on a particular fuel as a source of energy to keep it in motion. Humans and other living beings depend on good nutrition to maintain life, grow and develop in all their life activities and such is also spiritual life.

Lack of adequate spiritual nourishment in the lives of many Christians is affecting our growth, development, and maintenance of our faith that once for all delivered to the saints. Spiritual undernourishment is resulting from inadequate intake of the divine food from God that is meant to feed our spirits. This situation has led to many becoming weaker and weaker in their faith to serve the Living God.

Inadequate spiritual nourishment results in weakening Christian’s resistance against sin and temptation. Many now follow what the world is doing because the Word of God (Scriptures) is almost absent from the hearts and minds of Christians. Christ resisted the temptations of the devil with the word of God (Math. 4:10). Spiritually malnourished Christians have little desire or lost appetite for God’s word. Weak conscience and lack of self-control are all marks of less spiritual food in mankind.

What is the way out? Accept that God’s desire for Christians is to feed daily on his word. Spiritual food (Scriptures) is always available and it doesn’t lead to overfeeding since perfection in Christ is the ultimate goal. Remember where you started the Christian journey from, repent and return to the Word of Life (Bible). Be part of the Lord’s Kingdom, feed daily on the Word of God to keep growing and mature in Christ. Amen

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