
Seize the Opportunity to Speak Blessedness

Written by Listowell Sarfo Ababio.

“When Jesus saw the crowds…He went…and began to teach them, saying blessed…” (NIV) Matthew 5:1-3

Probably the most beautiful thing that can ever happen to someone is the pronouncement of blessedness. The prayer of parents is to see their children grow up to be great and honorable people in the world. Not just honorable but responsible. Good friends are always seeking the best interest of one another. To be more objective, we are even seeking to be the best persons we have always dreamt to be. The best way to accomplish these is to seize the opportunity, which is the people around us, not just giving them material things or money but something that will last forever. Our Lord Jesus Christ saw and sought the opportunity to better the lives of people who were left like sheep without shepherds on a mountain.

Our Lord Jesus realized that these people needed something more than food, something that will comfort them, something that can assure them of their state and status as followers of Him, something that no one can take away from them, something that can lead them to achieve great things in life, hence he opened His mouth and spoke. Are you in any relationship, do you have a family that you so much love, are you a student, do you work with people or are you a leader of a group? What are you and which people define your environment? Peter and the other apostles never left Jesus because he has the “…words of eternal life” (John 6:68). The promise of God was given to us and that we have His words written on our hearts (Heb 8:10-12). Dear brethren, somebody just in front of you or beside you or just behind you would love to hear it. Jesus spoke it and the people were comforted. Why don’t we turn and whisper into an ear the words of “blessedness”?

We have a choice to feed a hungry body which will forever be hungry again and another choice to feed a hungry soul which will forever remain satisfied. As we continue to feed a hungry stomach, let us continue to fill the hearts of such bodies with blessedness for such was the way of the Master.

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