A job for Jesus

Written by Adelaide Mensah.

Bible reading: John 4:4-42

My friend had a new job. Unlike her previous job, she was the next in command on site. The general manager and his team were at a different location and monitored their activities remotely. Anytime there was a challenge faced by any other worker, they will fall on my friend for solutions. So, I recall one time that the internet connectivity was down, and clients were furious for days. As a site boss, she had exhausted all her ideas of fixing the problem. Apparently, the general manager had noticed the challenge and was working on it remotely. Lo and behold, the general manager visited the workplace and sorted the issue out and told my friend in a loving way, this is my job, I needed to fix it myself.

In the case of the woman at Jacob's well, Jesus as the boss knew he had to fix her himself. It wasn’t a job for his disciples. Clearly, they had exhausted all ways of solving her persistent problem, her neighbours were tired of her, it's likely she was even tired of herself. Jesus had a plan for her and so he waited patiently at the well to have an encounter with her and that changed her life.

There are a number of situations we find ourselves in, that everyone seems to give up on us and sometimes we give up on ourselves. They can be financial challenges, ill health, immoral life, family challenges, bad habits and many more. All means of solving these problems come to no avail. In all these, the boss (Jesus) has promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5). God is not man, that he should lie (Numbers 23:19), his promises are true. No matter what, cling to him, call on him and he will answer. You are Jesus' job.

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