
A Peaceful Life

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (NIV) John 16:33

There was perfect peace when God created this world. Yahweh, the master planner, had in place all things for the survival and harmonious co-existence of all creatures and he settled them in the Garden of Eden. The Creator used to visit the creatures and interact with them in the garden.

Mankind lost the peace we had with Yahweh and with ourselves when sin entered humanity. Humans have tried all we can to get back peace and happiness but we are still a long way to go. Many people think wealth is the only way to peace and happiness. If this is true, we should be experiencing more peace since man has now discovered more wealth than ever in human history. What do we observe when we tune in to world news? Chaos!

When we want to buy a product, we want to get the original if we can afford. Why look for peace from other sources when the original source is there? Yahweh is the only creator, provider and protector of peace. When you have Yahweh, He helps you to understand life and all the things that instigate hatred and revenge are taken out of our lives. Yahweh instils in us the power to forgive and forget the ills of others against us.

Believers in Yahweh should understand that worrying over many things which only God can influence cannot make us live peaceful lives. Believe in the Creator and His purpose for you in this life. Be involved in the work of the Almighty Yahweh because choosing not to work or deciding to be part of the enemies of God will result in terrible consequences. Depend on God when in trouble and listen to God than the world in decision making. Be ready for teasing and ridicule from troublemakers if you are on the side of the Almighty God. Enjoy the peace of Yahweh through Christ Jesus. Amen

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