The winning team

Written by Myles MacMillan.

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done” (NIV) Rev. 22:12

Biblical reading: Revelation 22:12-17

If you knew the outcome of a soccer game before it was over and you had the opportunity to switch from the losing team to the winning team wouldn’t you take it? I realize life is a lot more complicated than a soccer game, but we are all living on the pitch of life right now, and we have to decide which team we are on. The best part is we already know who wins!

Revelation 22 says Jesus is coming soon and He is bringing his reward (Rev. 22:12). Those who have “washed their robes” will be allowed to enter “through the gates into the city” (Rev. 22:14) but those who have not followed Jesus commands will not be permitted to enter.

Life gets tough and as humans we often want to take the easy way out, not giving our all to God. It’s easier to not pray, to not follow His commands and to stay in bed on Sunday morning, but we need to remember who we belong to and what He has done for us. Living for God can be a struggle and at times we might feel like we are fighting all alone while everyone around us is having a great time just doing whatever they want to do. This passage from Revelation is a good reminder to us all that in the end God wins and all we have to do is make one choice: Are we on God’s side or not? The time is coming soon when Jesus “will give to each person according to what they have done.” (Rev. 22:12). He has offered us all the “free gift of the water of life” (Rev. 22:17) and all we have to do is take it. Thanks be to God for His amazing grace and free gift of life to all who choose to be on the winning team!


"Living for God can be a struggle", in what ways can you relate to this statement?

Are you on the Winning team? If yes, how can you help others to know and join this team?

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