Second mile (I)

Written by Tom Smith.

When brethren start asking, "MUST I do this?" or "MUST I do that?" it seems they are only concerned with doing as little as possible for the Lord- just enough to still maintain a "right" relationship with Him.

The one who believes in giving his very best for Christ, and going beyond the bare necessities of Christian existence, has been said to have a "Second-Mile Religion". Should we not all strive to be this way? to not be satisfied with merely getting by, but to want to do our very best in bringing glory to God? Matt. 5:39-NIV, "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." There were some situations in which the honor of Christ and the salvation of men demanded that this command be carried out literally. Acts 7:60, "Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep." Surely, if someone comes to your home and is seeking to destroy your family, however, you will do what you can to protect them.

The Lord's commands must also be viewed in the light of other passages. Jesus had commanded "Give to the one who asks you…" Matt. 5:42-NIV. This, too, however, is not to be done on just any basis. Christ would not give to the people who sought him at Capernaum, because they had eaten the loaves and were full (Jn. 6:26-27). They had sought him for the wrong reason. Paul would not have us give to the idle (2 Thess. 3:10-"...The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.")

What then is the principle that the Lord is teaching? Is He not showing that His follower needs to be willing to go that extra mile--and not resentfully, but in full submission. The Jew needed to allow his love for God and desire to serve Him to override his dislike for Roman domination. Only then would he be able to serve in the right frame of mind. Certainly, this principle holds true to any other job as well. We want to do our best because we are serving Christ.

to be continued...

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