Start Right, Continue Right

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

"The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." (NIV) Matthew 7:25

At the beginning of every year, many people look forward to achieving their numerous resolutions before the year ends. However, many achieve very little of these resolutions while others abandon them entirely along the way. I identified two main reasons for these happenings;

• Absence of God in our resolutions

• Loss of Focus

Many of our resolutions either do not include God at all or He is put on the back-burner. We long forget that Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. It is important that if we need to achieve the resolutions we set, God must be made a priority and we must thrive to do His will as well as promote His interest. The Lord knows our needs and wants and His promise to add all things to us if we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness is sure, just try it! Again, many of us have resolutions that are not in line with the will of God. People are looking to work extra hard for promotions at work not to glorify the Lord but to spite others while others are looking forward to changing a habit to please someone. Unfortunately for us, the Lord knows what we harbour in our hearts so if the intent is not according to His will, we will keep at it for a very long time.

Another reason we are unable to achieve our resolutions is the fact that we lose focus along the way. In all things, staying focus is essential. Staying focus requires that we daily examine if we are on course and if we are deviating, we quickly organize and turn back onto the right path. Many things around us as friends, family and other material things have the tendency to shift our focus from our goal. Let us be weary of the things that shift our focus and manage them such that they do not take our entire attention from our goal.

You may not have put God first in your resolutions this year but it is not too late to start right with Him and keep examining yourself so you can remain focused to continue right till all resolutions are achieved. May God be our helper, AMEN.

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